unter einem besonderen Himmel.
Different ways to scandinavia, but always under
a special sky.
... und das ist das Ziel.
... and this is where you are going to.

Click http://skyley.blogspot.com/here !!!
... and if you like you can see
all my SKY WATCH FRIDAY here !!!
24 Kommentare:
Very nice shots:) The first is my favorite. Are you often here in Norway or Scandinavia?
Have a great Sky watch!
Utrolig vakkert, og enten du tror det eller ikke så holdt jeg på og velge noe av de samme bilder denne fredagen. Har vært på ferie vet du, og den Øresundsbroen er min absolutte favoritt, for det er den det er, ikke sant??
Håper det er greit jeg skriver norsk her jeg også for tysk..., ja det blir litt vanskelig du!! Kan bare stygge gloser vet du .-))
Fin fin helg til deg. Klem fra anne
I have always wanted to visit Scandinavia! Such pretty shots!
Please stop by My Skywatch
I hope you're enjoying your stay. I love the way you take an interest in "us":)
Beautiful sky and shots!!!!
Beautiful set of skyscapes.
Øresundbroen - isn't it? Do you speak norwegian? VELDIG VAKRE BILDER!
i like the angle of the bridge and how the clouds mimic the same angles in your last capture.
lovely captures.
have a wonderful weekend.
Veldig flotte bilder! Så du er her i landet nå da? Øresundbroen er stilig - og solnedgangen på det siste er utrolig vakker!
Håper du får en fin sommer her!
All the pictures are great but the first one.......the lines are incredible!!! Suberb picture!!!
Have a nice SWF
Greatings From NL
Great photos... I hope everyone enlarges them.
Happy skywatching
Simply beautiful especially the hint of golden yellow light.
Very cool shots !!!
I think I would take any of those three ways to get there...especially under those skies :-)
Your title is perfect to the photos. Enjoy the weekend.
Aha, you made a TTcW (through the car window) I think. Great one !
all three are gorgeous! amazing night shot~
Beautiful shots, and the first two are stunning. Thanks for sharing. Happy SWF.
Great shots!
Gut sind sie alle drei.
Die Nr.2 finde ich absolut phänomenal.
Die Nr.1 hat was,mich persönlich stört daran das die vorderen pfeiler nicht ganz drauf sind und das du nicht ganz mittig gestanden hast.
Ja OK ist schwierig auf einer Straße, aber machbar.
Bei der Nr. 3 müssten für mich die Farben etwas intensiver sein.
grüße th
Vegen blir til mens man går, og turen her, gjennom dine bilder er veldig fin. :)
Thanks for your most kind words on my blog. :)
Have a wonderful weekend! :)
Gut das du die Bilder doch auf gekriegt hast. Der letzte Himmel sagt mir ganz besonders zu.
Wonderful photos! Bridges always give an exciting effect, like yours here. And the one in the middle lovely reflections! :)
Brücken auf unserer Erde
Brücken bauen
Brücken ohne Barrieren wie wir hier im www
eine Brücke bin ich gerne
staunend sehe ich
eine märchenhafte Brücke heute hier
Wegweiser ins Ungewisse
Wegweiser mit Neubeginn
Wegweiserin dein Traum Urlaubsland
;-)lg Manuela
Just beautiful!
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