Samstag, 23. Januar 2010

Monochrome weekend # 31

Rohrkolben in einer Winternacht
At the lake in a winternight.

Visit the home of MONOCHROME Weekend
... and if you like see all my monochrome here !!!

7 Kommentare:

SandyCarlson hat gesagt…

That's one neat monochrome!

Calico Crazy hat gesagt…

a nifty new look for cattails. ~ Calico Contemplations

Kilauea Poetry hat gesagt…

This looks like it could be some type of wild grass or wild flower perhaps but it also looks cold. Anyway, cheers and hope you have a great weekend-

Bengbeng hat gesagt…

i am still trying to figure out what it is... is it a wild flower ?

Anonym hat gesagt…

Very spooky image.

Jane Hards Photography hat gesagt…

That's quite a spooky image, but interesting.

Dragonstar hat gesagt…

Reedmace (or cattail if you prefer!) makes a great subject, and you've excelled with this.